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вторник, 24 января 2012 г.

Theme of our report on the conference was ANATOMY OF THE HUMAN BODY AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE.

Anatomy of the human body is a science about the origin and development, external forms and internal structure of the human body. Anatomy is an ancient science having gone a long way of development. It  comes from a Greek term «anatemno» - which means “to cut”. 
      From   Vesalius, Aristotle, Halen, Avicenna to our contemporaries there are a lot of names to bow our heads. According to V.V. Kuprianov: «Anatomy requires a hand of an artist, a head of a hero and patience of an  angel».
 Anatomy is a basis of medicine, study of subjects of  medical education begins with it. This is the first stage, which develops medical thinking. Practical application of knowledge in Anatomy  is boundless. Doctors of all times and nations understood perfectly well  all significance of this science as a basis of theoretical and practical  medicine.
 Anatomy is closely connected with other sciences,  which branch from it. They are comparative anatomy, physiology, embryology and histology. There are some kinds of Anatomy: age Anatomy,  Anatomy of children, topographical Anatomy, clinical Anatomy, plastic Anatomy for artists and sculptors, sports Anatomy, normal and pathological Anatomy, systematical Anatomy. There is also cosmic Anatomy. It studies changes, which take place in the human body at long  intensive cosmic activity.
 The task of any of these sciences is  study of form, position of organs and their interrelation taking into  account age, sex and other peculiarities, rules of construction of the  human body on the whole and its constituent parts . Anatomists are  interested in historic development of the human body.